Past Events
- A Transactional Model of Assessment
- ADHD/Attention Deficit Disorders in Adults
- Adult Children of Alcoholics and Other Dysfunctional Family Systems
- Advanced Physical Process Training Workshops Affective Education Techniques for Teachers to Enhance Self-Esteem with Students
- An Alternative Approach to Working with Sexually Abused Children and Children of Alcoholics
- Application and Working with the Body from a Gestalt Perspective Training Program
- Art Therapy
- Attending to Mind/Body Communications
- Body Process Work
- Children and Adolescent Training Workshops
- Depression and Suicide Risk Factors with Adolescents
- Discovering and Owning Our Energy and Body Self
- Energy Medicine
- Enhancing Perceptual Skills: The Body as a Therapeutic Feedback System
- Enriching Therapeutic Skills in a Professional Setting
- Family Therapy Approaches
- Foundations of the Human Energy Centers (HEC)
- Gestalt Introductory Workshops
- Gestalt Therapy with Children
- Identifying and Evaluating Emotionally Disturbed Children
- Identifying Emotional Disturbances in the Classroom
- Identifying Sexually Abused Children
- Individual and Family Therapy Approaches
- Inner Circle Sacred Self
- Integrating Energy Medicine
- Into The Sacred Self, A Woman’s Journey
- Introductory Gestalt Groups
- Mother/Daughter Relationships and Development
- Parenting with Awareness
- Physical Process and Women’s Body Image
- Physical Process Work with Children and Adolescents
- Running Parent Groups That Work
- Special Needs Children and High Risk Families
- The Art of Letting Go
- The Body and Psychotherapy
- The Dynamics of the Mother/Daughter Relationship
- The Importance of the Developmental Stages with Adolescents
- The Temperamentally Difficult Child
- Women’s Issues and Development
- Women’s Process Groups
- Women’s Psychospirituality Development
- Working with Dysfunctional Families
- Working with Human Energy Centers (HEC)
- Working with Small Groups/Systems
- Working with the Body in the Relational Field
2011 Zig Zag Flop and Roll: Creating and Embodied Field for Healing and Awareness when Working with Children, Relational Child, Relational Brain: Development and Therapy in Childhood and Adolescence, Vol II. edited by Robert Lee and Neil Harris. NY:Gestalt Press/Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
2007 Zig Zag Flop and Roll: Creating an Embodied Field for Healing and Awareness when Working with Children, British Gestalt Journal, 2007, Vol. 16, No. 2, Pg. 28-37.
2002 Physical Process Work with Children and Adolescents, The Heart of Development: Gestalt Approaches to Working with Children, Adolescents and their Worlds, edited by Gordon Wheeler and Mark McConville. Hillsdale, NJ: Gestalt Press/Analytic Press.
1997 Physical Process Work with Children and Adolescents, British Gestalt Journal, 1997, Vol. 6, Pg. 76-86.
1988 Publication of Doctoral Dissertation: “A Phenomenological Analysis of Gestalt, Psycho-Analytic, and Client -Centered Therapists’ Experience of Psychotherapy with Children Seven – Eleven Years of Age.”
Contact Denise Tervo